Many people find it hard to make the Yii checkBoxList selected on update view, but believe me in fact its very easy and straight forward. This post will help you in showing user’s last selection by showing them a preselected checkbox list. Need help? You can Email me or Skype chat I Suppose you have created a MANY_MANY relation as given below. Book Model: Author Model: Note: authorbook is the table name containing ids checkBoxList function is taking three parameters. 2nd parameter is important here, because it makes the checkBoxList selected.How to make Yii checkBoxList selected
Last modified
'authors' => array(self::MANY_MANY, 'Author', 'authorbook(book_id,author_id)'),
'books' => array(self::MANY_MANY, 'Book', 'authorbook(author_id, book_id)'),
Make a selected checkBoxList
$books = CHtml::listData(Book::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'name');
$selected_keys = array_keys(CHtml::listData( $model->books, 'id' , 'id'));
echo CHtml::checkBoxList('Author[books][]', $selected_keys, $books);
5 min read