In this post you will learn how you can export Magento 1.9 categories for a specific store view as CSV. For example, you have Arabic store view with ID 7, and you want to export all arabic category names in a CSV file, below will be the code you want. Create a file on your Magento root and paste the below code, change the $storeId to your desired ID and run the script. After running the above script, you will find the exported CSV file `categories_arabic.csv` in the directory `var/export/`Magento 1: Export catalog categories for a specific store view
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require_once 'app/Mage.php';
$storeId = 7;
$categories = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')
->addFieldToFilter('is_active', 1)
$handle = fopen("var/export/categories_arabic.csv", "w");
$header = array('ID', 'Name');
fputcsv($handle, $header);
foreach($categories as $category){
$row = array($category->getId(), $category->getName());
fputcsv($handle, $row);
5 min read