Insights | Scriptbaker

Meet our New Hire - Viktoriia Petrova

Written by Courtney Walker | 6/22/21 9:15 AM

We are delighted to announce that Viktoriia Petrova has joined our Development team. Viktoriia joins us as a graduate from Manchester Codes, a part-time online coding school. We sat down and asked her some of the important questions:

What made you choose to take the role at Silverchip

I had heard about Silverchip even before I finished boot- camp. It has an outstanding reputation; it is well-known in the tech community, so I had no hesitation to apply for the role! 

During my interviews, I was determined straight away that Silverchip is the company that I would love to work for because of their passion for technology, the management team’s attitude to employees and its culture of a family-feel atmosphere.

What's your guilty pleasure when it comes to music? 

80’s Disco!

Should we play Christmas songs in November? 

Sure! I am very dedicated to celebrations! 

Where is your favourite place in the world? 

The kitchen, and if for real I like Mediterranean countries. 

Who would you invite to dinner (3 people, dead or alive)? 

Stephen Hopkins(scientist) 

Keanu Reeves (actor) 

Yuri Gagarin (the first human to journey into outer space)